F1 Season Recap, Humans over Highlights Discussion, Athlete Misconduct

On this episode of Offsides, Monet Ota and Allison DeWitt recap the Formula One season. Then, Lex Garguilo and James McIntyre discuss how the Kelces are pioneering the “humans over highlights” movement in the sports world. Finally, Claire Smieszny covers recent instances of misconduct committed by athletes and the lack of adequate responses from their organizations.

F1 2023 Season Recap, the Humans-Over-Highlights Movement, Athlete Misconduct

On this episode of Offsides, Monet Ota and Allison DeWitt recap the Formula One season. Then, Lex Garguilo and James McIntyre discuss how the Kelces are pioneering the “humans over highlights” movement in the sports world. Finally, Claire Smieszny covers recent instances of misconduct committed by athletes and the lack of adequate responses from their organizations.

NBA Season Preview Shotclock, NHL Free Agency Recap and Season Preview, Tim Wakefield Memoriam

On this episode of Offsides, Tyler Johnson hosts Jack Hughes and Jesse Ekong as they go head-to-head in an NBA season preview shotclock. Then, Claire Smieszny and Sasha Abrams discuss NHL free agency and preview the 2023-24 season. Finally, Raf Bruni gives a touching memorium for the late Tim Wakefield.

MLB Postseason Shotclock, NFL Early Season Takeaways, Women’s Soccer Controversy in Spain

On this episode of Offsides, Sasha Abrams and Henry Dinh-Price share their early NFL takeaways. Then, Brooke Alessi will host Charlie DeMatteo and Raf Bruni as they go head-to-head to discuss the MLB postseason in the first shot clock of the season. Finally, Allison DeWitt breaks down the controversy surrounding Spain’s national women’s soccer team.

NHL Playoffs Shot Clock and NFL Mock Draft

On this episode of Offsides, Seth Helman and Gracie Davenport go head to head as Allison DeWitt hosts the final shot clock of the semester. Then, Commissioner Mason Jablonsky is joined by GM’s Raf Bruni and James McIntyre for the 3rd annual Offsides NFL Mock Draft. Lastly, Bobby Serafin shares his thoughts on the controversies surrounding the women’s NCAA championship.