Good Morning BU for April 21st

Today on Good Morning BU, Alex Dowd and Sydney Tops talk about the debt ceiling, the SPACEX launch, a vigil honoring victims of sexual assault, and so much more. Later, Hailey Pitcher joins us from the finish line of the Boston Marathon, Evan Jimenez breaks down the building of the Art House set, Bobby Serafin checks in with BU’s roller hockey club, and Laney Broussard shares the story of a BU student making every day count in her cancer battle. All that and more this week on Good Morning BU.

Good Morning BU for March 31st

This week on Good Morning BU, Sophia Falbo gives us the presidential rundown ahead of student government elections, Sydney Topf is live from Tsai Performance Center for the Redstone Film Festival, Akua Devall drops in with a campus group looking to empower women in the gym, Laney Broussard speaks with Provost Victoria Sahani about the BU Belonging & Culture survey, and Bobby Serafin drops by Fenway park for opening day. Join Alex Dowd and Bobby Serafin for all of this week’s top headlines.

Good Morning BU for March 24th

This week on Good Morning BU, Evan Jimenez takes another look behind the scenes at production for the show “Art House,” Bobby Serafin gets reactions after a hard-fought Hockey East victory for the BU Men’s Hockey Team, and Chloe Adams breaks down entertainment updates around Boston. Join Alex Dowd and Sydney Topf as they bring you all the latest news this week at Good Morning BU.

Good Morning BU for March 17th

This week on Good Morning BU, Evan Jimenez previews the St. Patricks Day parade, Sydney Topf breaks down Governor Healey’s plan for the MBTA, Laney Broussard speaks with the Howard Thurman Center’s Nick Bates to discuss the centers inclusivity efforts, and Chloe Adams checks in with BU’s Stage Troupe ahead of their performance of Death of a Salesman. Join Alex Dowd and Sydney Topf for this weeks biggest headlines.


On this episode of Good Morning BU, Sydney Topf sits down with BU Student Government President Dhruv Kapadia, to chat about the work his administration has done so far this year. Later, Evan Jimenez peaks behind the curtain of a new collaboration between COM and CFA, while Bobby Serafin drops by the men’s lacrosse team after an historic season last year. All that and more today on Good Morning BU.


This week on Good Morning BU, we get opinions from students on the new Data Science Building on campus. We also check in with campus political organizations to understand their thoughts about Governor Maura Healey’s first month in office. Later, we speak with Dean Natalie McKnight about the ongoing search for a new dean of students, and drop by the Track and Tennis Center to investigate the legend of the “launchpad.” Finally, we stop by Sunset Cantina on Commonwealth Avenue as it reopens under new ownership. All that and more, this week on Good Morning BU.


Today on Good Morning BU, Stephannie Joseph and Addison Cummings walk us through your top headlines. Join us as we interview BU VP of Operations Derek Howe about the BU Institutional Master Plan, chat with BU students about the newly elected executive slate in Massachusetts, and visit the Snowport holiday market.